Eredményei: 63 db
1. hely: Ferrero Rocher & Hey There Tiszteletverseny, Ferrero Rocher (mének) kat.
1. hely: II. Domino ABC Appearance, D kat.
1. hely: Appearance for Everybody, mének, 7 évesek kat.
1. hely: II. GHP Nagy Küllem Gála, 1. nap, oldenburgi-KWPN-gypsy vanner kat.
1. hely: CdO Appearance 2010, sportló kat.
1. hely: Díjlovagló Napok Tottorin, L kat.
1. hely: III. Domino Dressage Cup, L kat.
1. hely: I. WNLK Word Cup, díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
1. hely: 50. Jubilee Competition, díjlovaglás, L kat.
1. hely: Big Golden Tea Cup, 1. nap, díjlovaglás kat.
1. hely: Sport Horse Appearance, fekete kat.
1. hely: Jármód Küllem, ügetés kat.
1. hely: Horse & Man Appearance, mén kat.
1. hely: Fruit Appearance II, körte kat.
1. hely: Horse Number Appearance, 10+ kat.
1. hely: Warum Weekend III., díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
1. hely: April & May Dressage, kezdő kat.
1. hely: Welcome Spring! Goodbye Winter! Dressage, kezdő kat.
1. hely: Double Dressage, haladó kat.
1. hely: Special HorseName Appearance, sportlovak kat.
1. hely: Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllem, mén kat.
1. hely: Women or Men? Dressage, női lovas kat.
1. hely: II. Equestrian Challenge, díjlovaglás kat.
1. hely: Dressage at Night, haladó kat.
1. hely: II. Dressage for Only Sporthorses, holsteini és KWPN lovak kat.
2. hely: I. GP Horses' Championship, ménszemle, 4. csoport
2. hely: II. Activity Appearance, ágaskodás kat.
2. hely: Snowy Challenge in Sweden, díjlovaglás + ügyességi, 7+ évesek kat.
2. hely: Dressage for Only Sporthorses, holsteini-KWPN kat.
2. hely: Novemberi és Decemberi Díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
2. hely: Fajtakategóriás Küllemverseny, KWPN-oldenburgi kat.
2. hely: Appearance under The Christmas Tree, KWPN kat.
2. hely: Champion of the Years, küllem, mének kat.
2. hely: Winter Cup, díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
2. hely: Greys vs. Blacks, fekete kat.
2. hely: Lexington Winter Dressage and Galopp, díjlovaglás, 1. csoport
2. hely: From a Beginner to the pro Winner Dressage, profi kat.
2. hely: The Big Sporthorse Show, KWPN kat.
2. hely: München Dressage Cup, kezdő kat.
2. hely: Licitlovak Versenye, mén kat.
2. hely: Black & White Appearance, fekete kat.
2. hely: II. Dressage Competition of Wien, díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
2. hely: II. Dressage Competition of Wien, kezdő lovak külleme kat.
2. hely: Sporthorse Appearance, KWPN kat.
2. hely: Race in Berlin, díjlovaglás kat.
2. hely: IV. Patanevelde Küllemverseny, KWPN kat.
2. hely: Scary Moovie Appearance, Sikoly kat.
2. hely: Dressur in der Abenddämerung, haladó kat.
2. hely: Common Appearance, mének kat.
2. hely: Mistral's Magánistálló és Tenyészet ( - August Appearance
3. hely: II. GHP Nagy Küllem Gála, 2. nap, fekete kat.
3. hely: Champion of the Years, díjlovaglás, 0-15 eredmény kat.
3. hely: Special ABC Competition, díjlovaglás, A-L kat.
3. hely: Where Are You From Appearance, Hollandia kat.
3. hely: IV. Only One Picture, lépés kat.
3. hely: Appearance of Warum Nicht, mén/fekete kat.
3. hely: II. Background Appearance, tél kat.
3. hely: The Famous Race, díjlovaglás, Abolengo Lancet / kezdő kat.
3. hely: II. Three Nations Appearance, Hollandia, KWPN kat.
3. hely: Show Jumping & Dressage Competition, díjlovaglás, haladó kat.
3. hely: Dressage in USA, Hollywood kat.
3. hely: Monarchia Magánpark ( - Pain Colored Horses Appearance
4. hely: Harmony Appearance
16*ELITE, 2nd Placed of GP Horses' Championship, Perfect Appearance Horse, Premium Rearing Horse in DLVP, 2nd in II. Activity Apperance, Wonderful Dressage Horse in BHP, Perfect Dressage Horse, Perfect Ferrero Rocher Horse, Perfect Dressage Horse, 2nd Placed of Snowy Challenge in Sweden, Champion II. Domino ABC Appearance Horse, Champion D Horse, Wonderful Appearance for Everbody Horse, Mystery's Beautiful, Excellent Sporthorse in Dressage, 2nd Placed of Dressage for Only Sporthorses, 4th Placed Horse on Harmony Appearance, 6*GOOD, Good Horse On November & December Dressage, GHP Legszebbje, Legszebb KWPN Fajtájú Ló, GHP Szépe, Szép Fekete Színű Ló, Best Appearance Horse, Champion L Level Dressage Horse, 1st in Díjlovagló Napok Tottorin in Brillant, Good Dressage Horse, Very Good Appearance Horse, Very Nice Horse, Winner in III. Domino Dressage Cup, Champion Dressage Horse in L Level, Darius de Azevedo Champion, GOOD KWPN Horse, Great Horse on Appearance, 2nd in Champions of the Year 2010, Better Horse of Dressage, 3rd in Champions of the Year 2010, Best Dressage Horse in WNLK Word Cup, 1st in I. WNLK Word Cup, Silver Dressage Horse in Rose Earth, Champion Dressage Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, Champion L Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, 2nd Black in Greys vs. Blacks, Better Black than Grey, Good Dressage Horse, 3rd Placed of Special ABC Competition, 2nd Placed in Lexington Winter Dressage and Galopp, Excellent Dessage Horse of Lexington, 2st Placed in Professional, Grand Champion, GOLDEN TEA, Champion in Dressage in DLVP, Champion on 1st day in Big Golden Tea Cup, Nice Dressage Horse on 3rd day in Big Golden Tea Cup, 1st on Sport Horse Appearance, Beautiful Sporthorse in PonyIsland, 2nd Placed of The Big Sporhorse Show, Good München Dressage Horse, Legjobb Ügetés Kategóriájú Ló, Best Horse & Man Appearance Horse, Jó Licitló a Licitlovak versenyén, Legjobb Körte Gyümölcs Ló a Fruit Appearance II.-n, 1st on Fruit Appearance II., Most Beautiful 10+ Category Horse, Beautiful Black Horse, 2nd Placed of Black & White Appearance, Good Nederlands Horse, Best Dressage Horse in Warum Weekend III., 1st on Warum Weekend III., Best Beginner Horse, 1st on April & May Dressage, Best Dressage Horse in Welcome Spring!Goodbye Winter! Dressage, 1st on Beginner Category, Nice Horse in Pace, 3rd Placed of IV. Only One Picture Appearance, 2*Better Amateur Dressage Horse, 2*2nd Placed in II. Dressage Competition of Wien, Good Appearance Horse in Warum Nicht, 3rd on Appearance of Warum Nicht, 5*NICE, Nice Background Horse in Winter Category, Good Dressage Horse in The Famous Race, Good Sporthorse, Nice Horse of Netherlands, 3rd Placed of II. Three Nations Appearance, Very Good Dressage Horse, 2nd in Race in Berlin in Alta, The Best Dressage Horse, 1st in Double Dressage, The Horse with a Best Name, 1st Placed of Special HorseName Appearance, PonyIsland Champion, Legszebb Ló a Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllemversenyen, Most Beautiful Stallion in Monarchia May Appearance, Champion Dressage Horse in PonyIsland, The Best Horse with Woman rider, 1st Placed of WoM? Dressage, 2nd in Patanevelde, Nice horse on Show Jumping&Dressage in Salyza Lk., 3rd placed in Dressage Category on Show Jumping&Dressage, The Best Horse in Dressage, 1st Placed of II. Equestrian Challenge, PonyIsland Champion, Good Scary Movie Horse, 2nd in Ghostface(Sikoly) Category, Best Dressage Horse in Dresage at Night, Legjobb haladó díjló, Besser Dressur Pferd in dem DVP, Good Dressage Horse, 3rd in Dressage in USA, The Best Sporthorse in Dressage, Winner of II. Dressage for Only Sporthorses, Better, Good Appearance Horse iN SPLK, NICE, Great Horse in M'sM, Beautiful Horse in Plain-Colored Horse Appearance in Monarchia