Pénznyereménye: 11.270.000 lbp
31. eredmény - 25. dobogós hely
• 31. küllem
I. helyezések ->
I. hely - salyza.gp - küllem * Michael Jackson Appearance
I. hely - salyza.gp - küllem * Telephone's Trophy
I. hely - appalosapaci.gp - küllem * Open Cup in FF
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * Plus-Minus Appearance
I. hely - unseen-bond.gp - küllem * Your Stable Appearance
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * Mark & Color Complex Appearance
I. hely - kiba.gp - küllem * Britain's Got Talent Appearance
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * Monarchia Lovas Világkupa 2012
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * II. Monarchia Season Appearance
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * Random Moment Tiszteletverseny
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * How Many Letters? Appearance
I. hely - shagyarab.gp - küllem * Giant Gportal Appearance
I. hely - luckyranch.gp - küllem * ABC Competition "A"
I. hely - imnubilus.gp - küllem * Paco Boy Tiszteletversenye
II. helyezések ->
II. hely - keeneland.gp - küllem * The Begeninning of Life
II. hely - horseyy.gp - küllem * Szinlájn Kjüllem
II. hely - avalon-online.gp - küllem * Gp's Top Sites Appearance
II. hely - avlp.gp - küllem * Channel Appearance
II. hely - imnobilus.gp - küllem * Don Revision Tiszteletversenye
II. hely - the-racehorses.gp - csikó küllem * Mom I want to grow up! Appearance
III. helyezések ->
III. hely - salyza.gp - küllem * Dance Style Appearance
III. hely - equestrianamonument.gp - küllem * Winner Appearance
III. hely - ponyisland.gp - küllem * Appearance of Favourite
III. hely - ponyisland.gp - küllem * II. Knock Out Show Jumping
III. hely - horsandel.gp - küllem * I. Foal Games of Windmill
IV. helyezések ->
IV. hely - onehope.gp - küllem *Ponies and Foals Survey
IV. hely - avlp.gp - küllem * Europe Appearance
IV. hely - horseyy.gp - küllem * VIII. Synline Appearance
IV. hely - horsandel.gp - küllem * Halloween Appearance
V. helyezések ->
V. hely - patanevelde.gp - küllem * Happy B-Day! Olympic Games
VII. helyezések ->
VII. hely - lescheavux.gp - küllem * Gor The Least
* ELITE, BEST, 1st placed on Michael Jackson Appearance
* VERY GOOD, 3rd placed on Dance Style Appearance in Salyza P. S.
* ELITE, BEST, 1st placed on Telephones' Trophy in Salyza P. S.
* The Best in -kategória neve- Category on Open Cup in FF, Champions' Champion
* ELITE, Winner in FF, 1st on Open Cup in FF, Elite Horse in -kategória neve angolul- Category
* NICE, 2nd placed in Szinlájn kjüllem
* NICE, 3rd Placed off Winner Appearance of Equestrian Monument
* Best of Plus-Minus Appearance, MONARCHIA CHAMPION
* Very nice horse, 2nd placed at Gp's Top Sites Appearance
* ELITE, Horse in the Most Beautiful Stable
* Most Beautiful Horse of Mark & Color Complex Appearance, MONARCHIA CHAMPION
* NICE, Fifth Horse in Paradise Stables
* ELITE, 1st Placed of Britains Got Talent Appearance in Q.A. Lk.
* NICE, Great Horse in M'sM
* MONARCHIA CHAMPION, Winner of Monarchia Lovas Világkupa 2012
* MONARCHIA CHAMPION, Winner of II. Monarchi Season Appearance
* MONARCHIA CHAMPION, 1. helyezett a Random Moment Tiszteletversenyen
* 1st Placed Horse of How Many Letters Appearance, MONARCHIA CHAMPION
* ELITE, Absolute winner of Abc Competiton "A" on Salvadore Establo
* 7th place of For the Least
* 3rd Placed of VI. Appearance of Favourites, Good Appearance Horse
* GOOD Finished second in the race imnobilus.gp Don Revision respect, Second in Don Revision
* 3rd Placed of II. Knock Out Show Jumping, Good Jumper Horse
* ELITE, 1 place: first prize in the competition of respect Paco Boy * appearance *, 1 place: Paco Boy respectful competition
* Good, Good Foal in Loveless Dance Horse Center
* GOOD, Good Horse in M'sM
* GOOD. 4th in VIII. Synline Appearance
* NICE, Nice Jack O'Latern / Withces / Trick or Treat Category Horse
* Good foal in Windmill
